Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Publication of


Here's What I Think
about . . . 

Consumer-Proof Packages
Parking Hogs
Inevitable Mr. Freeze
Plastic Grocery Bags



More to Read. . . . .

If you like fun satire and you are also interested in how Murphy's Law applies to Don & Amy, read their Annual Holiday Newsletters by following these links:

1999 Newsletter (PDF format)

2000 Newsletter (PDF format)

2002 Newsletter (PDF format)

2003 Newsletter (PDF format)

2004 Newsletter (PDF format)

AdobeYou will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these newsletters.  Acrobat Reader is a free utility that comes installed on most systems.  If you have trouble opening these files, you may need to download this utility.  Just click on the Adobe logo to begin the download....It's FREE!




Inevitable Mr. Freeze

Where did the summer go?  It seems we wake up one morning and suddenly find that the ground sparkles with an icy cold blanket.  The thermometer has fallen to depths we haven't experienced in half a year.  Darkness creeps farther and farther into the afternoon until it blankets the world before we even have a chance to find our way home from work or school for the day.  Its enough to send the most balanced of us cascading into a seasonal depression that often times seems impossible to escape from.  But does it really have to be this way?  Well, what I mean is that there are ways to escape the Winter blues.  We'll always be at the mercy of Mother Nature's bitter sense of balance between November and April, so why not find a way to enjoy it?  That's right, I said enjoy the cold and the snow and the dull gray skies!  Its the only time of year that we can truly appreciate a warm fireplace blazing in the parlor.  Its the best time of year to curl up with those books you've been wanting to read all summer, but just couldn't pull yourself away from the garden and the sunshine.  Start a new craft project such as a scrapbook or photo album.  Best of all, why not learn how to actually enjoy the outdoors in the winter?  Take up skating or skiing, or just make it a point to hike through a park in the afternoon.  Some of the best nature hikes I've ever taken have been in the middle of Winter.  There's a peace that can only be found in the quiet stillness of a snow-covered trail.  Its the only time of year when you can hike all afternoon and never have to worry about breaking out into a sweat!  There's actually a surprising amount of wildlife that you can observe during the Winter.  The best part of being outdoors on a crisp Winter day in the Northeast is that there are no insects to bother you.  When you need a rest, simply drop down in the snow and make a snow angel.  As you lie there on a pillow of snow contemplating nature's complexity, you may discover as I have that there's much to be thankful for than you realized, including a feeling of spiritual renewal and fulfillment that the cold months of Winter can bring if you seek it beyond your frosty window panes.