Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Publication of



News Archive


This page contains older news stories that you might have missed!

Such as . . . . . . . 




Bernie's Birthday Bash

James Burchard, Sr. of Brighton, NY celebrated his 86th birthday this September 3rd with a family "pig-nic" thrown by his daughter, Judy.  Here are some photo highlights of the event.








Pirates Invade Thousand Islands Town

Don & Amy enjoyed spending time on a family adventure in Alexandria Bay, NY in the heart of the 1000 Islands region.  August 10th was the start of the annual Pirates Days, when hundreds of boats invaded the bay and everyone was dressed up in pirate garb!  The waterfront room at the Captain Thomas Resort included a refreshing breeze, a view of the invading pirate ships and recreational water craft, and a breathtaking view of a famous castle!  A cruise across the bay to the famous Boldt Castle provided a pleasant afternoon tour.   A favorite restaurant for the vacationers was O'briens, located in serene waterfront town of Clayton, NY just a few miles West of Alexandria Bay.  Here are some photo memories from the trip!

The view from the waterfront room at the Captain Thomas Resort

Watching the boats and enjoying a cool summer breeze on the private balcony

Amy enjoys some sun and reluctantly poses for Don's camera!

The afternoon bay cruise to Boldt Castle, where visitors gaze at the newly restored grand skylight above the main staircase in the castle

The "children's playhouse" on the grounds of Boldt Castle, and the floating restaurant at Captain Thomas Resort




Webster Woman Celebrates 27th Birthday in Style 

Amy Vallone of Webster, NY celebrated her 27th birthday on March 1st.  Her memorable day began with a birthday serenade by her husband, Don.   27 roses arrived at her workplace in the morning.

In the afternoon, her husband spent hours in the kitchen preparing her favorite dish, vegetable pie,  for the birthday dinner.  Amy spent the evening lazily cuddling with her cat on the sofa.  Family celebrated the occasion the following day with a dinner out at a local favorite Italian eatery.





Brighton Woman Celebrates 70th

A milestone birthday was celebrated on February 24th by Thelma Chapin of Brighton, NY.  Family celebrated the occasion with a Sunday dinner at Cartwright Inn, a historic tavern  in West Henrietta, NY.  Thelma was roasted by family and friends and received a heart-warming speech from her husband of over 50 years!





Congratulations  to Debbie Vallone, who celebrated her wedding to Ed LaPlant on November 18th, 2000.  Legend has it that this date is the luckiest date on the calendar, and Vallone's World wishes Debbie and Ed all the bounty  that special lucky date can hold for a lifetime to come.  More photos from the wedding will be available soon on Michael Vallone's web site!  Mike was a photographer for the wedding and is creating his own web site to highlight Debbie's wedding day memories!

