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The Vallone Twins........Our First Year
On this page you can find pictures of our twins' first year of life.  Enjoy!



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Posted: January 2, 2006                                                                      Return to Top of Page

Our First Christmas!

We couldn't wait for Santa to come.  We were very good all week!
We took a bath and drank our bottles all by ourselves.
Then, on Christmas Eve, Grandma & Grandpa Thorn came and took us to church!

Grandpa Thorn built us a real wooden toy chest, and Grandma gave us a whole bunch of fun things!

Our favorite present from Santa was a Radio Flyer rocking horse.  It was just what we wanted! 

We also got dollies, a piano, a kitchen set, Pooh bears, and lots more!
We decided that we really like Christmas!



When Christmas was over, Mommy & Daddy took us out to play in the snow!

When our little noses turned red, they knew it was time to take us back inside to warm up!

Happy New Year to all our friends!










Posted: December 11, 2005                                                                      Return to Top of Page

Our Birthday is Almost Here!

"Auntie" Laura spends an afternoon with the twins


Our First Thanksgiving!







Posted: November 13, 2005                                                                      Return to Top of Page

More Fall Pictures!

The Twins enjoy a windy, Fall day in the leaves!

Abigail Epstein joins the twins for Halloween to play "The Three Bears"

Trick-or-Treating as "The Teddy Bear Family"







Posted: October 22, 2005                                                                      Return to Top of Page

Autumn Already!


"Punkin' Pickin' Time"


Maranda at 1 week....................... 10 weeks................................. and 38 weeks!

Look How We've Grown!

Samantha at 1 week....................... 10 weeks..................................... and 38 weeks!


Potty Time!








Posted: September 3, 2005                                                                      Return to Top of Page

8 Months Old Today!








Posted: July 31, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

In the Good "Ole" Summertime!


Do we HAVE to take a bath now?

All clean now and ready for bed!



Celebrating our First 4th of July!

Our First Parade!

Webster Fireman's Carnival

Our First Ride on the Big Ferris Wheel!









Posted: July 10, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Feeding Time at the Zoo!








Posted: June 6, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Welcome Summer !!











Posted: May 29, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page


Hmmm..............Don or Amy?

Top 10 Ways to Tell if You Are a Sleep-Deprived New Parent
(stupid things Don and Amy did after the twins were born!)

If you are a new parent....Take the following test!

You Know you're sleep deprived if you can identify with any one of the following......

10. You take a gallon of the expensive formula out of the fridge to fill a single bottle and you leave it sitting out on the shelf overnight to spoil

9. You scoop the coffee into the coffee maker and add water.  As the coffee drips and percolates into the carafe, you notice the cup that holds the filter is still sitting on the counter.  You finally get a chance to clean up the coffee grounds a few days later.

8. You send your spouse to bed to get a couple of hours sleep and you take the late evening feeding shift.  Your baby sits next to you on the sofa on her Boppy pillow, still quiet for a few moments longer.  You think about how it will soon be your turn to finally stretch out on the bed and take a brief nap.  Suddenly, your spouse wakes you up and panics at the sight of a baby crushed silently under you as you are slumped over sleeping on top of her, trying to steal her Boppy pillow.

7. You mix up a gallon of expired formula and feed it to your babies, then wonder why they they won't stop vomiting all day.

6. You put ten pacifiers in a highly accessible places so you'll have no trouble finding one when you need it......and then you can't find one when you need it because you don't remember 
what you did with any of them.

5. You can't figure out how to take the outfit off your baby's body because 4 hours ago you put in on backwards and all the snaps are in the back......How did you even do that?

4. You put a clean diaper on your baby but you forget to take off the dirty one first.....and your child's pediatrician is the first person to notice.

3. You pack your baby safely into her car seat then back out of the garage and crash into your mother's car parked innocently in your driveway.

2. You start feeding your baby during the night on the edge of the bed. You're so tired you start to lean back onto the pillows. Your next conscious moment comes 3 hours later when the baby is hungry for her next feeding. The bottle from the previous feeding is empty.....but you have no idea who held the bottle for your newborn while you slept.

........and the #1 way to confirm that you are a sleep deprived parent:

1. You want to sterilize the babies' pacifiers so you put them in a sauce pan and cover them with water. You put the pan on the stove and wait so they can boil for 30 seconds. You walk away for a second then wake up to realize that there is a terrible smoke filling the house. Somehow over half an hour has passed and the pacifiers have been reduced to a pool of smoldering melted plastic burned to the bottom of the pan.


Can you guess which stupid things Don did and which ones Amy did?  E-mail your guesses or comments to: sleepdeprivedparent@vallonesworld.com








Posted: May 10, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Our Little HAMS !!



Daddy teaches Samantha a BAD habit ("....but Amy, its MILK chocolate!")

"Hey lucky....want to meet an angel?  No, I'm an angel...REALLY!  Darn it!  You've been talking to my parents, haven't you!"


"Posing for pictures is hard work!  Can we just get some sleep now?"










Posted: April 13, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Finally, Some NEW Pictures!!

Daddy tries to eat Mantha for Easter Dinner

Randa swoons over boyfriend Jeffrey
(she was overheard telling him that he's going to steal her heart away one day)

Daddy gives Randa a ride in the clothes dryer
(Not really!  Please don't call child protection agency)







Posted: March 26, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Sleeping in the Big Bed!

Look How We've Grown!

At left, the twins at 1 week old: At right, the twins 10 weeks later!
(Note the bears are the same size but the babies sure aren't!)






Posted: March 12, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page






Posted: February 21, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page








Posted: February 13, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page






Posted: January 30, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page









Posted: January 19, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page






Posted: January 16, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

      Bath time for babies (above), then nice clean babies are ready for story time (below)






Posted: January 14, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

Daddy and Maranda take a nap between feedings.  Randa Panda's head is smaller than Daddy's hand!

Where are my sunglasses, Daddy?  "Randa Baby"  and "Mantha Baby" catch some rays on an unusually sunny and warm January day!





Posted: January 9, 2005                                                                                    Return to Top of Page

While the Vallone twins sleep, they are transported to a magical land of holiday enchantment......

A visit with Mr. Snowman.....then a nap on a cloud under the Christmas tree!

.......and visions of sugar plums danced in their heads





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Come back soon.........More pictures to come !


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