Up Joe Peggy Mary Pino Frank Clara Tony Virginia Donald


The Life and Times of Vincenzina ("Virginia") Genet Vallone


Growing Up



Confirmation c. 1937


As a teenager at age 16, c. 1941


  c. 1945


As a young adult, Aunt Virginia took an interest in fashion and style.
She enrolled in the Rochester Business Institute
with ambitions of someday being able to own her own business.

Aunt Virginia's RBI graduating class








Welcome to Dewey Fashion Center!

Aunt Virginia owned and operated a dress shop during the 1950's.  The shop sold women's fashions and accessories.  These rare images are the only known photographs taken at  the shop.  They show the illuminated storefront marquis at nighttime (above) and Aunt Virginia at work in her shop (below).










While she had her shop, Aunt Virginia kept up with the latest fashions.  Owning her own business allowed her to afford a fine wardrobe and to travel the world in style!


Aunt Virginia also loved to sing!  Listen here.




The Kodak Years









Remembering . . .





Take time to stop and smell the roses.

A formal senior portrait, c. 1994



Virginia Genet Vallone

1925 - 2001





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