Vallone-tine's Day !

Great Day of Love"
to Do on Our Valentine Page:
has looked back through the rich history surrounding the holiday of
hearts and flowers.
uncovered some interesting historical facts and vintage symbols of
the season that we'd like to share with you.
We also
have lots of fun things to see and do.
the History of Valentine's Day
 | Who was Saint Valentine? |
 | Why do we exchange Valentine
greetings? |
 | How have Valentine's changed
through the years? |
 | What is our favorite Valentine
candy? |
 | How can you make your own
conversation hearts? |
out our Weather Station!
 | Track the latest Winter Storm |
 | View our backyard web cam |
our Valentine Photos
 | Check
back throughout the season as we add more photos of our holiday
celebrations! |
to our Valentine Radio Special:
"The Day of LOVE"
 | Wired For Sound Radio
("WFSR") is LIVE on-the-air! Our radio announcers,
7-year-olds Maranda and Samantha Vallone, will entertain you with
Valentine music and frivolity! |
Listen to the new Love Day Techno Mix here! |

News Stories
You Care to Send the Very Best
patron saint of love...good old Saint Valentine. So who was
he, and what does he have to do with chocolate hearts?
Hmmm....For this question, we did some research and found that
there really was a St. Valentine. In fact, there was more
than one St. Valentine! No, no....This is not like at
Christmastime when you can find more than one Santa. We all
know those are really all Santa's helpers. There was only
one Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. Catholics
around the world agree that Santa Claus is the incarnation of the
one and only Saint Nicholas. They don't all agree, however,
on who Saint Valentine was. Surprisingly, when we look back
over the lists of saints, we can find no less than three Saint
Valentines! There is no real evidence to point to which one
was really the saint who inspired the holiday. Each were
minor saints, who didn't seem to have done anything as
awe-inspiring as sneaking toys and gifts into the homes of poor
children during the course of a winter's night. One St.
Valentine was a Catholic priest who was actually imprisoned for
helping "criminals" who had been sent to jail for
confessing their faith in public. This particular saint
lived in Rome in the third century A.D. and was said to have been
corresponding to a caring woman outside of the prison through
letters. In some of the notes he penned to the woman, he is
said to have ended his letter by signing "Your
Valentine". This seems to be one explanation as to how
the tradition of exchanging "valentines" began.
Saint Valentine met his demise by an unfortunate means. He
was publicly beaten and beheaded as a lesson to others who may
have been considering adopting and professing his unorthodox
So Special About February 14th, Mr. Hallmark?
historians believe that this time of year was chosen to honor St.
Valentine because it is the time of year when "love
blooms" in nature. February 14th was believed to be the
day that birds selected a mate. This day was chosen to
celebrate love and the courtship in the fifteenth century, and
possibly became associated with Saint Valentine because of his
good deeds and his tradition of sending his "Valentine
letters". The practice of sending letters eventually
blossomed into the tradition of creating wonderfully decorated
letters that are to this day still called "valentines".
Before commercial printing presses were in use, valentines were
unique and highly ornate - decorated with handmade lace, real
flower petals, precious stones, and other treasures. By the
early 1900's, valentines could be purchased for the giving -
complete with a ready made verse professing one's love and
admiration for the receiver of the card. Soon, store-bought
valentines reflected the changing times and emotions of the
twentieth century, and now provide us with a historical time
capsule of those times.

New Symbol of Love?
With few folks taking the time to hand-decorate their valentines, modern society finds a way to express it's creativity with sugar. Of course chocolates are a favorite to give on Valentine's Day. Sweets have always been a medium for expressing one's love or gratitude. Chocolate has always been a prized gift. At one time in certain cultures, chocolate was so prized that it was even a form of currency! On Valentine's Day, fancy chocolates are packed inside of a heart-shaped box that has itself become a symbol of love and the holiday. The traditional lace, flowers, gems, and ribbons have adorned candy boxes sold by famous chocolate makers for decades and provide a keepsake symbolizing the love of the giver long after the holiday is over. The style of decoration and materials used can often provide clues to the era in which the box was made. Candy maker Necco created history inside the box when they marketed the candy conversation heart in the early 1900's. Small candy hearts with "sayings" stamped onto them evolved from simpler conversation candies that had their message printed inside the wrapper. Through the years, the candy messages have changed with the times, and humorously reflect pop culture through the decades. Traditional words like "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me" have modern equivalents such as "Fax Me" and "Whatever!" New phrases are added every year while older and outdated phrases are retired. The reason? Times and perceptions change. A popular verse from the 1920's complemented "You are
Gay"......It could be a confusing sentiment today if presented to one's betrothed.

Visit the Necco
candy website and see how conversation hearts are made!
Make your own conversation hearts at www.cryptogram.com/hearts
Will You Be My
Valentine ?

Day Blizzard???
Are you prepared for a
snow day?

The map below shows how much
snow is currently on the ground across the nation:

Our Backyard Web Cam...Is it snowing yet???

Streaming Video
from Earlier Events:
Our Weather Station





Happy Valentine's
Day !