Autumn's Pages
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Here it is . . . . .

Autumn's Very Own Web Site!

Due to the overwhelming demand for more updates and photos on the latest addition to Don & Amy's family, we have created a web page dedicated entirely to Autumn.  After several photographic shoots, our star model is accumulating a very nice portfolio of images.  Upon application, Autumn is considering appointments for sittings with a number of famous photographers.


  For now, enjoy her non-professional shots taken by her Daddy:


New Photos - Check It Out !!

Christmas Photos:
Christmas, 2002


The highlight of Autumn's Christmas this year was eating a special
moist dinner at the dining room table from a crystal bowl!


Christmas, 2000


"If I don't move, maybe Santa won't notice me here."

"I think I hear Santa coming now !  I should find a better place to hide."

"How will Santa come down this chimney?"

"Here he comes !  I'd better hide behind the Christmas tree where he won't see me!"

"Unwrapping Christmas presents is so fun.  Maybe I can have them all opened before Mommy & Daddy wake up !"

"I'll just take a little cat nap with my friend and act innocent.  Merry Christmas, everyone !"


Glamour Shot:
Summer, 2000



"Someone bring me a cool drink and a mouse !"



Fall Fashion Show:
Autumn, 1999


 Mommy helps Autumn into her first dress (left - sick, huh?).  As the weather cooled, a warm knitted shawl and matching hat (modeled below) kept Autumn toasty warm and quite fashionable for the Winter season as well!




First Kitten Photos:
Summer, 1999


"I didn't do it, Daddy"

("PS-Please don't look in the corner.")





"I'll be good, Daddy.....I promise!"



"From now on I'll only scratch on my scratching post!"










More Autumn! (How much can you take?)

Check out Autumn's other pages.  Autumn now has an advice column, a page of newborn kitty photos, and even a showcase of friends!  Click on the navigation links to go there now!

In The Beginning.... Ask Autumn Autumn's Showcase